Clinical and training activities are structured in a sequential, graded, and cumulative format consistent with the Revised Competency Benchmarks in Professional Psychology (APA, 2012). Through achievement of Profession Wide Competencies, the overarching aims of the training program are to: 1) Develop core counseling and clinical skills for entry level practice in health service psychology, and (2) Foster attitudes and behaviors which promote a professional identity as a psychologist.
By the end of the training year, interns will develop a level of competence, consistent with the following required Profession Wide Competencies (PWC), for entry-level practice in health service psychology:
- Ethical and Legal Standards
- Intervention
- Assessment
- Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills
- Supervision
- Individual and Cultural Diversity
- Professional Values, Attitudes, and Behavior
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- Research
By the end of the training year, interns will also have developed specific competence in the following Program-Specific Areas: Crisis Response and Outreach.